Jim Corbett Tiger Reserve Hotels
Discover the perfect place to relax & rejuvenate
Stay at our hotel and enjoy special packages at great prices. We will help you experience the very best parts of the festival and show you some hidden gems.
Our Hotels
Four Locations
Wild Planet Corbett
Visit our beautiful locations during any season. Discounts available to club members!
Design and comfort are perfectly combined here, because we care about your well-being!!
All the materials used for room decoration are environment friendly, and your individual climate control can be adjusted accurately by degree.
Our friendly and professional staff will efficiently be at your service in the best discretionary manner to provide your comfortable staying .
Book your holiday or event with us – and check our special offers – to experience the very best our beautiful coast has to offer.
Our suites of great conference halls are both impressive and flexible. Superior interior design, ambiance of natural sunlight and great looking panoramas of the sea make them just as popular a choice for weddings and other tailor-made events as for business.
Hotels your way
JIM CORBETT, VILLAGE SEMAL KHALIYA, JHIRNA ROAD, Dhela, Ramnagar, Uttarakhand 244715
Starting from INR 3,000 + Taxes per Night

Wild Planet Corbett
Toll Chauki, Bansitila, Ramnagar, Lalpur Banstila, Uttarakhand 244715
Starting from INR 3,200 + Taxes per Night

Treebo Corbett Hideout Dada’S
JIM CORBETT, VILLAGE SEMAL KHALIYA, JHIRNA ROAD, Dhela, Ramnagar, Uttarakhand 244715
Starting from INR 1,500 + Taxes per Night

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Jim Corbett Tiger Reserve is part of collection of finest Wildlife Resorts in our region.
about corbett
corbett online booking
Contact information:
- +91-8588019058
- namahhospitality@gmail.com
This is not an official website of “Jim Corbett National Park”. This is a Registered under the Private Travel Agency name Jim Corbett Tiger Reserve . We organize Hotel, Safari and Tour Package bookings in Jim Corbett National Park.